About a year ago, we opened up the leadership training that we had been using as a part of Agile coaching in fast growing companies to other experienced trainers. This was both interesting and a little bit scary, since we allowed other trainers to adapt the material to their training style, as long as they stay within the curriculum.
Before we dive into the feedback data, let’s take a look at the training philosophy for all trainings we run at Active Agile

The hypotheses we wanted to validate:
- When different trainers train leaders in fast growing companies, we meet their expectations.
- Participants would recommend the training to others.
Now we have some data, let’s take a look at the feedback.

The median is around 4.4 (on a scale of 1-5), with the highest variation early on and a steady positive trend throughout the program.
And this is the score for the program as a whole, feedback from the blue group is 4.9 out of 5.0:

A pretty ok score, right? So it looks like we can conclude:
- The content of the program works. It gets good scores across different trainers and countries.
- Participants of fast growing companies like it (even if time is a scarce commodity for them)
These are of course just a few data points. But they sure look promising.
Worth mentioning, we are opening up the training for Agile Architecture, the second course aimed at Technical Leaders. This is unique since it lets you in on how Architecture & Tooling really is a first-class citizen of any Agile transformation. Our first trainers have now completed our Train the Trainer program.
We hope we have inspired you to follow us on our journey to make leadership a scientific craft anyone can learn.
If you would like to join our the next Active Agile Leadership Skills Train the Trainer class, it’s happening on May 19-20.